View for PhotoAuxAll for backward compatibility with DR5. |
It selects the required columns from PhotoObjAll. |
name | type | length | unit | ucd | description |
objid | bigint | 8 | ID_MAIN | Unique SDSS identifier composed from [skyVersion,rerun,run,camcol,field,obj]. | |
mode | tinyint | 1 | CLASS_OBJECT | 1: primary, 2: secondary, 3: family object, 4: outside chunk boundary. | |
b | float | 8 | deg | POS_GAL_LON | Galactic latitude |
l | float | 8 | deg | POS_GAL_LAT | Galactic longitude |
raErr | float | 8 | arcsec | POS_EQ_RA_ERR | Error in RA |
decErr | float | 8 | arcsec | POS_EQ_DEC_ERR | Error in dec |
raDecCorr | float | 8 | CODE_MISC | RA/dec correlation |