Access functions

fSpecZStatusF Return the SpecZStatus value, indexed by name
fSpecZStatusNF Return the SpecZStatus name, indexed by value

SpecZStatus Data values

NOT_MEASURED0Redshift not yet measured.
FAILED1Redshift measurement failed.
MANUAL_LOC10Redshift determined "by hand" with low confidence.
4000BREAK11x-corr redshift determined when EW(4000-Ä--Ä--Ä+ break) > 0.95.
ABLINE_CAII12Redshift determined from average of CaII triplet fits.
INCONSISTENT2Redshift cross-correlation and emz both high-confidence but inconsistent.
XCORR_EMLINE3Redshift determined from cross-correlation and emz are consistent.
XCORR_HIC4Redshift determined from x-corr with high confidence.
XCORR_LOC5Redshift determined from cross-correlation with low confidence.
EMLINE_XCORR6Redshift from emz plus consistent xcorr redshift measurement.
EMLINE_HIC7Redshift determined from em-lines with high confidence.
EMLINE_LOC8Redshift determined from em-lines with low confidence.
MANUAL_HIC9Redshift determined "by hand" with high confidence.