Access functions

fSpecZWarningF Return the SpecZWarning value, indexed by name
fSpecZWarningNF Return the expanded SpecZWarning corresponding to the flag value as a string

SpeczWarning Data values

OK0x00000000No warnings.
NO_SPEC0x00000001No spectrum.
NO_BLUE0x00000004No blue side spectrum.
NO_RED0x00000008No red side spectrum.
NOT_GAL0x00000010Classification does not match galaxy target.
NOT_QSO0x00000020Classification does not match quasar target.
NOT_STAR0x00000040Classification does not match star target.
GAL_COEF0x00000080Galaxy PCA coefficients far off locus (placeholder).
EMAB_INC0x00000100Emission and absorption z's inconsistent.
AB_INC0x00000200Absorption redshifts inconsistent.
EM_INC0x00000400Emission redshifts inconsistent.
HIZ0x00000800Redshift is high.
LOC0x00001000Confidence is low.
LOW_SNG0x00002000Signal to noise is low in g.
LOW_SNR0x00004000Signal to noise is low in r .
LOW_SNI0x00008000Signal to noise is low in i.
4000BREAK0x00010000EW(4000A break) > 0.95.
NOT_MAPPED0x00020000Fiber was not mapped
MANUAL_MAPPED0x00040000Fiber mapping was set manually
LOADER_MAPPED0x00080000Single unmapped fiber re-mapped by DB loader