DR2 Projects
 For Kids
 Games and Contests
     - Constellation Game
     - Universe Quiz
     - Solar System Quiz
 Links to Others

Games and Contests

Click a name or image to select one of the games below:

Constellation Game

In ancient times, people looked up in the sky and saw patterns - constellations like the Big Dipper or Orion the Hunter. Here is your chance to make up your own constellation!

Universe Quiz

Test your knolwedge about the universe you live in!
The quiz requires Shockwave Player, which you can download from Macromedia's web site.

Solar System Quiz

Test your knolwedge about the Solar System!
The quiz requires Shockwave Player, which you can download from Macromedia's web site.



Big Dipper photo copyright John Slivoski. Courtesy Slivoski.com Amateur Astrophotos.